Death Wish. was founded on a single principle. We divide Eve between "us" (our members, members of our alliance) and "the rest". We live to kill the rest. It is that simple.
We don't care about standings. We just laugh at sovereignty concept. We don't give a shit about CTAs and "epic battles", where pilots are just used as a cannon fodder by their masters who need to secure space for their ratting bots or technetium moons. We are are fed up with it and we want no part in it.
We look down on any big sov-holders. We honestly despise their pets. We don't even treat their renters as human beings - if you pay someone to live in nullsec, you are worthless and you don't deserve to breath. In our eyes all of those are just animals and we are the hunters. If you fly, you die! We don't honor ransoms, we don't grant pardons nor do we expect one. That's the official policy of Death Wish.
But if you want to become a member of our corporation, that's your chance to redeem yourself. We will not dwell into your past, because if you step up and show us your war face, you deserve a chance. Doesn't matter who you were and what you did in Eve before joining our ranks. Some of our members weren't even PvPers, but with proper guidance we turned them into damn good ones. So it's entirely up to you.
Death Wish is group of mature players that love to PvP and have fun while at it. We work as a team, no one is ever left behind. Once you are in, you'll get all the help you'll need and corporation/alliance leadership does their best to make sure that you have good time when you log in.

Outside fleets there are money to be made, despite popular belief you CAN get rich in Syndicate but it requires some creative thinking instead of just "undock, warp to sanctum, rinse and repeat".
Now, dear... do you want to become a wolf or will you stay a deer?